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[db:作者] 2024-03-05知识百科





30.What does the underlined word“it”in the last paragraph er tA. Encouraging consumers to choose high-quality brands.B.Rewarding tea growers for protecting the environment.C. Promoting elephant-friendly trenches and organizationsD. Creating a win-win situation for elephants and tea farms.



The carvings usually use 60 (pattern) involv i(pattern) involving flowers, plants, landscapes andlu symbols such as dragons and phoenixes. This type of wood carving is widely use d in architecture and furniture as well as arts and crafts for61decorate) . Ech piece n woodccarving carries enormous efforts from the masters.62 (name) as the home to vme town of wood carving art in 1996, andJian chuan CountyJian chuan wood carving was listed in the national level intangible cultural her tage in 201.Episodes in the TV show also reveal that the cultural in he rience of the traditional ers ialsof wood carving faces challenges. The show discussess63hua chines are taking place ofhandwork, as the y ara 4e efficient) and less costly: and also looks at how young peopleare chasing 65 mmore job opportuniniti and money in big cities and are not willing to stayin the small village. 时Cor第四部分:写作(共两节,满分分)


阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Over the past three years, Kang Jian has created more than 400 dough sculptures(面塑) and become agn scity-inheritor(继承人) of the dough sculpture in Mo he, He i long jiaKang has shown an interest in art, 41 the dough sculpture since he was a child. Every time hisparents made dumplings, he would ask for a small piece of dough to make animals a rabbit, a fish or a s nail.Those small dough animals brought him lots of good childhood 42. However, Kang didn't learn art in 43His family was poor and his parents were not able to pay for his art 44. Kang left college in 2016 andworked in the Mo he Forestry Bureau.Then in 2018, during a visit to a museum in Beijing, Kang learned something about dough sculpting.Then he had the idea of taking his childhood 45 up. He visited some famous 46 and learned to makedough sculptures from them. His skills 47a lot.As a fan of Chinese literature(文学) , Kang would like to make dough sculptures of Chinese heroes, 48Sun Wukong and Guan Yu. In April 2022, he even finished the dough sculptures of 108 heroes from the novelOutlaws of the Marah after 16 months of work.When Kang is free, he is 49to give classes at schools to teach students to make dough sculptures. Heis happy to have a chance to tell young people about dough sculptures and 50 about Chinese folk heroes.He expects more young people to take up this traditional art form.8 C.especially D. strangely41. A. reallyBB. luckily42. A. mistakes B.memories C. plans D. thoughts

