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[db:作者] 2024-03-25知识百科





听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.Where is Central Park located?A.Near Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.B.In the countryside near New York City.C.Beside a huge park in New York City.



7. Where is the computer services office?A. Beside the stairs. B. At the back of the lift.C. Next to the reception desk.


when they35meaning of timethe letters, they can se the differences between the past and now and 36 theNow Future Mail is becoming veryeasily But if a person’s 37 In man e e it iem, people can 38 the service39 later he may no get his h etter. “ tt will be exei ting to getmy owm letter. But I won’t be too40 i can. The more important thing is the feelings when twrite the letter, ” one said.D. usually32 31.A. cheaply B.quic tly G. slowly2.A.photos B.emails G. radios33. D.hearD. letters. A、tell B.showC. make34..A.wishes B.rules G. names D.sies35.、A、payB.ask C.get D.cutA. listen toB. think about C.look at D. wait for38. A. putB.buy C. see37.A.popular B. seriousG. expensive D. difficultD.use39.9.A. languageB.information C. cultureD. education40. A. sadB. fat C.shy D.oldB

