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[db:作者] 2024-03-26知识百科




35. What does the text focus on?A.Different ways to acquire language.B. The natural way to acquire language.C.The development in language learningg. D. The process of children learning language



Alot of us maybe still recovering from antisocial habits 57. (form) in the tough____time. And so far, some events out of our control 58. (have) a bad effect on our____health. Last fall, 76% of adults surveyed by the American Psychological Association saidstress from politics, race relations and violence had affected their health. They reported59. (experience) headaches, depression, nervousness and exhaustion.____But 60. (solution) may be hiding in plain sight. Two recent books argue that____making room for more fun in your life could counteract(抵消) both the stress and thetendency 61. (escape) it by zoning out online.____In a book published in January, psychologist Mike Rucker makes the case that pursuit offun experiences may be even more valuable than seeking the sometimes abstract goal ofhappiness.In Rucker's opinion, happiness is 62. state of mind.But fun is something____we can do for 63. (we) .It doesn't require education, money or power.All it requires____is intentionality. We 64. (actual) ignore the importance of fun. We are so casual and____careless about 65. we use things around us to make us fun, but it is important for____our happiness and health.Passage 4


5.What does the underlined word“RSVP”in the text mean in Chinese?A.请回复 B.请准备 C.请离开D.请拒绝

