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[db:作者] 2024-03-26知识百科




Well, for one, I really love it. For another.my mind really longs for new and 44things. There are a lot of ways to 45newness in your life, but going to 46places and meeting new people is one of thebest. All this travel makes me want to domore and more things with my 47 and itis so mind expanding. Sometimes I take mykids and grandkids. They love all the new48 and I get even more out of it becauseI get to 49 it with them.Now, we have ben to Europe manytimes, so maybe it doesn't sound like such anew experience. 50, this time was quitedifferent for us, and I think I 51 it evenbetter. This time we took a cruise(游轮)ship called the Viking. The staff did somuch for their 52. They arranged allthe land tours at the 53 stops, and theyserved great food and drinks. They we re al-so always there to 54 any question thatpassengers might have. Having the cruise55 take care of all the details really tookthe pressure of f our minds and reduced the56 on our bodies.Whether you choose to take a cruiseship, a plane 57 , or a road trip, I high-ly 58 that you do more traveling,59 now that we can travel so much morethan we had been in the past couple ofyears. It'll be good for your mind and your60\left.4]1. A. sets off B.gets inC. comes to D.goes over42. A. countries B.schoolsC.blocks D.areas43. A. predict B.wondereport D.doubt44. A. orderly B.similarC. difficult D.differentC.contact B.important



18.Where did the speaker first learn to swim?A.At school. B.At her uncle's. C.At a leisure centre.


15.According to the woman, what job might be suitable for Mike?A.An artist. B.An engineer. C.An athlete.

