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天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语

[db:作者] 2024-03-26知识百科
天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题

天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语选择部分

34.What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?A.The importance of Start of Winter.B.Customs of Start of Winter.C.The origin of Start of Winter. D.Food eaten on Start of Winter.

2、天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语填空题部分

天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语

听所第9段对话,回答第13至第16四Who does the man think the woman is shopping for in the beginning?. Her niece. B.Herself. C. Her daughter.What does the man think of the schools in Oregon?.They offer good programs.B.They have beautiful sceneryy.C.They have a long historyhere did the woman go to school?Harvard University.B.Brown University.C. The University of Pennsylvaniahere will the woman go next?To another storee. B.To a nearby university.C.To the left of the man's store.S4名师原创模拟卷三 ·英语第1页(共6页)

3、天一大联考 2023-2024学年高一年级阶段性测试(三)3英语阅读理解部分

22. Which university can you apply to if you want topay less tuition and fees?A. University of Chicago.B. Columbia University.C. University of Pen m sylvania.D. California Institute of Technology.

