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[db:作者] 2024-04-05知识百科




6.What's wrong with the woman?CA. She is sleeplessness.B. She has got a headache.C. She has a pain in her e yes.



9. What did the man do last night?A. He played basketball.B. He watched a match on TV.C. He went to the Book Building.


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When Mohamed looked at the weird names at the menu, he knew he really was n't in Tunisiaanymore. He asked the woman at the counter for ice-cream in a cup. She smiled broadly and 4lbehind the big glass display case.The woman came back with a t all paper cup. It contained a long straw and some kind of drink.Mohamed, completely 42 , took the cup and thanked her, wondering 43 he had used thewrong word.“It's the soda you 44 , ”she said, “a n ice-cream drink in a cup.”.He smiled at the woman again, 45 at one of the bagels (硬面包圈) , and said, “That one,too, please, ”which seemed to 46 better. Mohamed had been 'so 47 when-his parents toldhim they were immigrating to the United States, but now, his 48 and excitement felt a littlemisplaced.Mohamed found a table and sat down. Why was it that English had been so 49 for him inhis classes in Tunisia, but now, he couldn't even get what he wanted to eat?It just felt 50 √thathis English was, he thought, awful.Just then, Mohamed noticed that a girl sitting near the window.was giving him a rather amusinglook. He smiled politely in 51 . She stood up and came over to him.“Im Luisa. Welcome to our city!”the girl said.“Hey, don't feel bad about your 52 .____You'll get better at it once you've lived here for a while. Im from Spain, and the first time I tried toorder a salad here, I . 53 with a plate of pig's feet!”Mohamed breathed a sigh of 54 tha t hewasnt the only one struggling to 55 , and his new city began to feel just a little more-like home.41.A.disappeared' B.left C.walked D.approached42.A.scared B.delighted C.confused D.interested43.A.why B.whether C.what D.where

