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[db:作者] 2024-04-06知识百科




第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。In our daily life, there are moments when we feel very natural to offer a helping hand.These actions often seem 41 to us, but sometimes can make a big difference.This kind of 42 happened to Bill Price when he was 15 years old. That autumn, Price43 a reunion(聚会) for a summer program he d taken part i a few months before. Hestood outside at the end of the day, catching up with friends.44, everyone said thegoodbyes, leaving Price standing by himself.“Sometimes when you're 45 , you feel lost, Price said. “And that’s the 46then.”



听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。e?10. What did the man think of his trip back home?B. Terrible.C. Strange.


I recently gave my class a task. It was to go to someone andnd say“I love you”. Hearing this, mycerstudents were 31, because they were too shy to express love.WhenI checked their When I checked their york, Zhang Rui was the first to share his交born, she has become the focus and caught the 33 of the whole family. I felt unhappy."Zhang Ruisaid.“They were not angry with me. Instead, they comforted (安慰) me. When I said I love you',they were surprised and 34AAs soon as Zhang Rui s at down, many students put up their hands 35 .Du Yang got thechance.“My father and I 36 one month ago. After that, we hardly spoke to each other. When I wenthack home with the 37, I took courage, stepped forward and said, Dad, I just want to tell you thatI love you.’My father’s face softened and his eyes watered. He 38 me and said, “I love you too,but I have never be en able to say it.’The next day, my father volunteered to fight the serious flood.Several days later, he called and thanked me for those words. He said nothing could be 39 than thepower of love and support from family.”With tears in his eyes, Du Yang sat downHands were waving when the bell rang. No doubt all my students had expressed 40 I was reallyproud of them.A31. B. excited C.kind D.outgoingD 32. A. plan B.change C.time . ststoryA33.W. attention B. moment时刻 C. trust相信 -pityC34.A. relaxed B.bored C.mmoved D. tired35.A. quietly B.actively C.slowly D.clearlyP36. A. discussed B.celebrated C.appeared D.arguedC337.A. guide B book C.task D.testC338.A. knew B.brought, C.hugged D.refusedB339.A. easier 'B. stronger C. brighter D.louder$$O _ { 1 } A . 1 o v e$$ B.thank C.sorry D.value

