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[db:作者] 2024-04-09知识百科




19.What is the percentage of French people willing to receive second-hand gifts?A.18%. B.30%, C.80%.



26.What did Sandy think of a career in poetry?A.It was harder to fulfill. B.It was really fascinating.C.It was badly-paid work. D.It needed alot of effort.


He liked the wooden apples so much that he didnt even notice his 34 at first. A fruit tree____reminded him, but he felt the apples in his hands. He couldn’t bear to set them down to reach for thefruit. In fact, he could nt 35 because he needed to defend (保卫) his apples. He became 36and unhappy.The apples became 37, and the poor little monkey thought about leaving them behind. He wastired and hungry. He couldn’t 38 trees or collect fruit with his hands full. He was so tired.Seeing the next fruit tree, he 39 the wooden apples and reached up for his meal. He was happyagain.Like that little monkey, we sometimes carry things that seem too 40 to let go. Yet they don’talways feed our sou is (灵魂) , do they? And we become tired of defending them. We need to rememberthat we can receive things only with open hands.31.A.oranges B.apples C.pears D. bananas32. A. eat B.beat C. drink D.throw33.A. paper B.gold C.glass D.wood34.A. illness B.anger C. hunger D.business35. A. hate B.relax C. worry D.like36. A. nervous B.surprised C. strong D.clever

