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趣找知识 2024-04-10知识百科
1、2024 年高考第二次联合模拟考试


1、2024 年高考第二次联合模拟考试年高考第二次联合模拟考试 英语参考答案英语参考答案 听力理解:15 CCABA 610ACABA 1115 ACCAB 1620 CBBCB 阅 读 理 解:2123 BDC 2427 BCAC 2831 ACDC 3235 DCAC 3640 AGBCE 完形填空:4145 BBDAB 4650 CDADC 5155 DDCAA 语法填空:municating 57.Mailed 58.why 59.Before 60.sender 61.to have 62.typically 63.the 64.longer 65.was written/had bee

2、n written 写作第一节(One possible version)Last month,I had the unique opportunity to visit the wildlife park with my parents.We set off early by car and arrived there at 9 am.There are several regions that accommodate different animals inside the park.I noticed lovely squirrels running about in the tree

3、and a family of rabbits grazing in the distance.Pandas and monkeys were enjoying their food leisurely.Besides,we attended an exhibition about protecting wild animals,which helped me realize the importance of living in harmony with animals.All in all,coming face-to-face with wildlife made me apprecia

4、te the balance and beauty of our planet in a whole new light.写作第二节读后续写(One possible version)Paragraph 1:Then he saw a single head popping out from a seat.“Whats going on?”David thought.All of a sudden,he heard a roar of laughter.The children jumped out from behind each seat,screaming,“Happy birthday

5、,David!”Yes,it was his 54th birthday,but he was an orphan so no one remembered his birthday and celebrated it with him in the past.The kids surrounded him and each went to hug him.He wondered how they knew his birthday and later learned that they saw his date of birth on his ID card last week!Paragr

6、aph 2:David was surprised,with his eyes filling with tears.He said it was the best birthday hed ever had.He stood up and gave each a hug.He felt so moved when a girl slightly patted him on the back,a feeling that he hadnt had for years.David had always regretted that he had nobody to care about him.But these children changed his view.Encouraged by the kidskindness,David decided to organize a school tour to a neighboring state and took the kids on a historical adventure.听力原文材料 Text 1 W:Whats your

