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趣找知识 2024-04-17知识百科


1、英语答案英语答案 听 力:CBACB CAABA CABBB CCBAB 阅读理解:CBB ADCD ABDA CBCA 七选五:AGCED 完形填空:BADAB CCBCA DACBD 语法填空:56.mined 考查非谓语动词,此处是过去分词作定语。57.into 考查介词,carve sth.into sth.58.an 考查不定冠词。考查动词时态语态,主语是 the Charm of Shoushan Stone,an ongoing exhibition.60.to process 考查非谓语动词,be required to do.61.which 考查关系代词引导的非限制性定语从

2、句。62.approaches 考查名词变复数。63.and 考查连词。64.officially 考查词形变换,此处是副词作状语。65.has become 考查动词时态语态,时间状语 so far,用现在完成时。写作第一节:Dear Mr.Smith,I am Li Hua,chairman of the Student.Union.I am delighted to invite you to participate in the upcoming teacher-student friendship basketball game at our school.The game is s

3、cheduled to kick off at 14:00 p.m.next Friday afternoon at the school gymnasium.After a brief opening ceremony,the students and teachers will engage in a friendly competition.Additionally,a special half-time show featuring performances by the schools dance club and music band will entertain the audi

4、ence.The game will not only be an opportunity for interaction and exchange between teachers and students but also a platform for everyone to relax and have some fun.Looking forward to the game and hope to see you there.Thank you for considering our invitation.Yours,Li Hua 写作第二节:She reached her arms

5、up towards me with a great smile on her face.I was taken ab ack by her unexpected gesture of appreciation.Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she shouted from below,“You have a voice of an angel,my dear!Keep singing,dont ever stop!”The unexpected support from a stranger was like a beacon of light i

6、n the midst of my doubts and disappointments.I felt a surge of confidence and determination washing over me.With renewed spirit,I made up my mind to go all out for the audition the next day.The next day I went to the eleventh audition.As I walked into the theatre,I felt a newfound sense of purpose and self-assurance.The director greeted me with a warm smile,and this time,asI sang my heart out,I could feel the magic in the air.When I finished,there was a moment of silence before the room erupted

