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趣找知识 2024-04-18知识百科


1、沧州市沧州市 2024 届普通高中高三总复习质量监测英语参考答案届普通高中高三总复习质量监测英语参考答案 答案速查 第一部分听力 1-5 BACBC 6-10ABCAB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCACB 第二部分 阅读 2125 ADDBA 2630 CDAAB 3135 BBDDA3640 BDAGF 第三部分 语言运用 4145 BDADC 4650 BDCAC 5155 ABDAB 56.was launched 57.latest 58.planned 59.maturity 60.marking 61.a 62.which 63.to 64.Obviously65.wi

2、ll benefit 第四部分写作 第一节 Last Friday,our school library held the grand opening for its new Foreign Language ReadingCorner.Located on the first floor,the corner offers a diverse collection of books in various foreign languages,including English,Spanish,and French.The Reading Corner provides our students

3、 with an exceptional opportunity to explore different cultures and languages through literature.Whether youre a seasoned language learner or just starting out,the corner has something for you,from classic works to contemporary novels or wonderful short stories.Lets discover the joy of reading,embrac

4、e the opportunity to broaden our horizons and become global citizens.第二节 Around five hours later,a growing buzz(嗡嗡声)in the air broke the silence.Rescue was coming.Icouldnt look too far up because moving my back was impossible,so I got on my knees and whistled.The helicopter flew close to me,and the

5、motor drowned out my calls for help.They flew over me once,twice,four times and they still could not see me,although I was waving my arms wildly.Then,just as it was starting to get dark,the helicopter passed and I locked eyes with one of the men inside.He pointed right at me.Though the pilot saw me,

6、it was difficult for the team to get to me.They tried different rescue techniques.Eventually,one crewmember came down and tied a rope around my waist and I was finally dragged into the helicopter.I was saved.The rescuers told me how my mother had contacted the police and how community members joined the search.Three hours from the start of the search,everyone was celebrating my return.But from then on,my mother never let me act alone.具体详解 第二部分 阅读 第一节 A【命题意图】本文旨在通过阅读让学生了解通向职业之路的实习过程,增加社会知识。试题的命制旨

