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趣找知识 2024-04-21知识百科


1、高考英语读后续写指导不要重复同样的错误【读后续写原文本】一、文本分析01.Read for vocabulary2.2 demonstrate示范,演示5.2 grab抓住,grabbing, grabbed5.3 make ones way前进,前行6.1 issue问题6.2 tip over倾倒,翻倒6.2 significant重要的6.3 storm off愤然离开02.Read for appreciation1.1 I stood in the restaurant kitchen, my eyes wide, arms hanging awkwardly, ready to w

2、ork but unsure of what to do.分句1:独立主格结构分句2:独立主格结构分句3:形容词短语做状语3.2 he shouted, his voice sharp with urgency. 独立主格结构3.2-3 My hands, slippery with bubbles from the bowl I was washing, nearly let it slip through my fingers. 形容词短语作后置定语6.1-2 A nearly full cup of beer had tipped over, creating a small lake

3、on the floor. 悬垂结构:分词短语做状语二、写作分析(一)运用好三条线:1.人物线:梳理原文本中出现的所有人物,并根据情节推导确定出场人物。Aaron(my manager)workmate2.地点线:梳理原文本中出现的所有地点,并根据情节推导确定续写情节可能发生的地点。restaurantkitchen3.情感线:运用情感线构思情节,可以丰富情节内容,并使语言更加生动。(二)逆推法+情感线推导丰富故事情节在构思两段话的情节时,借助逆推法,通过续写文本第二段首句推导续写文本第一段末句的可能情节,以达成两段话的相互衔接。同时,要结合情感线索进行续写情节的合理推导,使续写文本的文字更加


5、写第一段原文本第一段指明英语是我的第二外语,因此我的英语水平是比较蹩脚的Aaron要求作者do remember to check every detail;续写文本中“我”犯错后Aaron生气地重复了这句话。 02.续写第二段续写文本第二段提及“我”在思考Aaron的话,因此续写部分的结尾部分可以提升主题:Aaron的话一直鞭策和指引自己一路前行。三、范文示例01Paragraph1I had just rushed out when I found Aaron standing in my way. “Cant you do anything right?” He stared at me

6、, with his eyes burning with great fury. With the dry rags hidden behind, I bit my lips, uttering an apology in a low voice. Dead silence enveloped the whole room. Aaron urged me to do my task, adding again, “do remember to check every detail!” I dashed as if on wings towards the mess under the table without hesitation, went down on my knees and absorbed the small lake wi

