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趣找知识 2024-04-21知识百科


1、新高考英语热点话题语法填空练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 Passage1中国大幅减轻义务教育学校考试压力Chinas Ministry of Education has issued _1_ announcement on _2_(strength) the management of school examinations during compulsory education, to _3_(effective)reduce the pressure faced by students. No paper-and-pencil exams should _4_(arrange) for fi

2、rst and second graders in primary schools, and final examinations should be organized by schools every semester for other_5_ (grade).Midterm exams can be arranged for junior high students in light of the real terms of different disciplines, the ministry _6_(say). It also asked schools to reasonably

3、control the _7_(difficult) of examinations and restrict the scope of examinations to their syllabuses(大纲) and teaching schedules.Moreover, the exam results should be divided _8_ four or five grades, without giving specific scores.Schools should not use the results to label students _9_ to determine

4、which class they will be in or _10_ they should sit in class.Passage2我国2035年基本建成博物馆强国China will pool efforts to promote the high-quality development of museums with the aim to build _1_(it) into a country with top-level museums by 2035, a guideline issued on Monday noted. According to the guideline,

5、 _2_(prepare) by nine departments including the National Cultural Heritage Administration, China _3_(plan)to upgrade 10 to 15 museums into world-class ones with Chinese _4_(feature).The country will help foster the _5_(grow) of medium- and small-sized museums and strengthen their innovation mechanis

6、ms, the guideline said. It added China will also expand museum collections and encourage the public _6_(donate)pieces. By the end of 2020, China was home _7_ 5,788 museums_8_had been registered with authorities, with 1,224 museums at the state level. _9_ average of one new museum _10_(open)every two days across China between 2016 and 2020.

