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趣找知识 2024-05-05知识百科


1、高考英语书面表达热点中国传统文化写作指导一、常用词语(一)中国智慧儒教、佛教、道教 Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism; 古文、甲骨文 oracle bone inscriptions汉字、诗、词、曲、赋、(the poems of the Tang and Song Dynasty)国画 traditional Chinese painting书法 calligraphy文房四宝 four treasures of the study对联 couplet灯谜 riddles written on lanterns歇后语、成语 idiom/set phrase等

2、(二)中国特色1.传统节日 traditional festivals :春节 the Spring Festival/Chinese New Years Day元宵节 the Lantern Festival/Shang Yuan Festival/Yuan Xiao Festival清明节 Tomb-Sweeping Day/ Qingming Festival端午节 (the) Dragon Boat Festival七夕节 Chinese Valentines Day /(the)Double Seventh Festival中秋节 (the)Mid-Autumn Festival/M

3、oon Festival九九重阳节 (the)Double Ninth Festival除夕 New Years Eve 2.民族戏剧 Chinese national drama曲艺 quyi(Chinese folk art forms)包括:京剧Beijing opera/Peking opera、豫剧Henan opera、评剧Pingju opera、越剧Yue opera /Shaoxing opera、黄梅戏Huangmei opera、川剧Sichuan opera、昆曲Kunqu opera、 湘剧Hunan opera3.古典音乐及乐器classical music and

4、 instruments 古筝guzheng, 琵琶pipa; 民族音乐national music/folk music4.传统技艺:剪纸paper-cut泥人clay figure吹糖人(糖画)sugar-figure blowing陶瓷pottery and porcelain; ceramics玉雕jade carving兵马俑terracotta warriors and horses年画New Year painting刺绣embroidery灯笼lantern京剧脸谱Peking Opera facial make-up中国结Chinese knot木偶戏puppet show舞

5、狮lion dance舞龙dragon dance 秧歌Yongko dance;rural folk dance变脸fast mask-changing皮影戏shadow play等等5.吃穿住行餐饮文化food culture中医、茶文化 tea culture中国功夫Kung Fu(如:太极拳Tai Chi、武术martial arts)汉服、社交文化social custom和传统建筑traditional architecture等。图片二、例文讲解(一)假定你是李华,上周你校举办了中国传统文化周活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.活动目的;2.活动内容;3.活动反响。注意

6、:1.写作词数应为80左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。One possible version:A Traditional Chinese Culture WeekA traditional Chinese culture week campaign was launched last week in our school to enhance studentsconfidence in our national culture.During the campaign, we students were encouraged to participate in numerous cultural activities, including singing Chinese folk songs, attending Ch

