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趣找知识 2024-05-05知识百科


1、英语参考答案(新高考卷)第 1 页(共 9 页)绝密绝密启用前(启用前(新高考卷新高考卷)英语参考答案英语参考答案第一部分第一部分听力听力15BAACC610ABBCA1115CCBCB1620CAABB听力录音文本听力录音文本Text 1W:Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?M:That sounds great!But Im afraid I cant.I have to attend a family gathering before a business trip.W:Thats okay.Maybe we can do it some oth

2、er time.Text 2M:I really want to learn how to play the guitar.W:Thats a great idea!You can start by taking some basic lessons.M:Do you know any good guitar teachers?W:Maybe you can check online for recommendations.Text 3W:Hurry up,John!The movie is going to start in 10 minutes.M:I know,I know.But I

3、cant find my ticket.W:Have you looked in your pockets or bag?M:Yes,I have.I think I might have left it at home.Text 4W:Im planning a trip to Europe next month.We could visit Paris,London,or Rome.M:Ive been to Paris before.How aboutAmsterdam?W:Amsterdam is a nice city.You can visit the museums and ta

4、ke a canal cruise.Text 5W:My computer is running really slow.What should I do?M:Have you tried deleting some unnecessary files or running a virus scan?W:No,I havent.Ill try that.Thanks for the advice.Text 6W:Make sure to remember that we are invited to Emmas birthday celebration tonight!M:Yes,I will

5、 not forget.At what time should we set out?W:Exactly at 7 pm.Wed better leave by 6 pm to avoid the traffic jam.M:Is it a costume party?W:No,its a relaxed event.You can wear your favorite sweatshirt.英语参考答案(新高考卷)第 2 页(共 9 页)M:Great.I have to rush.I will try my best to come back early.W:That sounds goo

6、d.See you soon!Text 7M:Hi,Lisa!Its been a while.How long have you been shopping?W:About an hour.My son Toms birthday is coming soon.Im looking for a special gift for him,but Im stuck.Heseems to have everything he needs.M:I know exactly how you feel.My son Jack is just the same.We have a bunch of toys in his room that he doesnttouch anymore.This year,we didnt get him any material gifts.Instead,we gave him a learning experience.W:What kind of learning experience is that?M:Its an online coding cour

