教育部高考英语卷(教育部 英语高考)

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An Analysis of the Cloze Tests in NMET (Nationwide I) from the Year 2013 to 2019Tang Jiaomei
Abstract: The study creates an framework for the analyses of the cloze tests from the year 2013 to 2019 in NMET (Nationwide I) It shows that the difficulty levels of the texts used for the recent cloze tests are not stable, the texts are mainly narratives, the subject context for the texts is mainly man and self and TTRs (Type/Token Ratio) of the texts are not stable. Besides, it is shown that the cloze tests attach importance to the use of vocabulary in context and they emphasize students’ discourse abilities and thinking abilities. Based on these findings, some suggestions are put forward to improve the teaching of cloze tests. Teachers are advised to use reading materials of different discourse types and different subject contexts and to use a little more difficult cloze tests to train students. It is also suggested that teachers teach vocabulary in context and encourage students to use vocabulary flexibly. It is also recommended that teachers improve students’ ability to make choices by cultivating students’ discourse abilities and thinking abilities.
Key words: discourse difficulty; lexical density; discourse ability

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